
Yuanchen (Sophie) Bai


About Me

Hi! I am currently a first-year Ph.D. student in Information Science at Cornell University and am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Angelique Taylor. Before joining Cornell, I obtained my Master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University with Outstanding Graduate Award and Academic Excellence Scholarship. I also participated in the winter research program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for Robotics.

At CMU, I am fortunate to work with Prof. Sherry Tongshuang Wu on AI Evaluation, with Prof. Motahhare Eslami and Prof. Haiyi Zhu on Equity in HCI. I also participated in a remote research internship with Prof. Xiaojvan Ma on Human-Robot Value Alignment.

At SJTU, I am fortunate to be adviced by Prof. Pradeep Kumar Ray on Technology Entrepreneurship. I am curretly co-mentored by Prof. Pradeep Ray and Prof. Guangtao Zhai, on asisstive technology for ASD detection and intervention.



  1. AACL, 2023
    Yuanchen Bai*, Raoyi Huang*, Vijay Viswanathan, Tzu-Sheng Kuo, Tongshuang Wu
    AACL ART of Safety 2023

  2. CSCW, 2025
    Seyun Kim, Yuanchen Bai, Motahhare Eslami, Haiyi Zhu
    ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW 2025)

  3. IUI, 2024
    Hanfang Lyu, Yuanchen Bai, Xin LIANG, Ujaan Das, Chuhan Shi, Leiliang Gong, Yingchi LI, Mingfei Sun, Ming Ge, Xiaojuan Ma
    ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2024)

  4. AAAI, 2024
    Hanfang Lyu, Yuanchen Bai, Xin LIANG, Ujaan Das, Chuhan Shi, Leiliang Gong, Yingchi LI, Mingfei Sun, Ming Ge, Xiaojuan Ma
    AAAI-24 Bridge Program: Collaborative AI and Modelling of Human (CAIHu) (no proceedings)

  5. Springer Nature, 2021
    Tianyu Chen, Yuanchen Bai, Pradeep Ray, Gang Zheng
    Technology Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development. Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer, Singapore.

  6. IFTC, 2023
    Xiaoyu Ren*, Yuanchen Bai*, Huiyu Duan*, Lei Fan, Erkang Fei, Geer Wu, Pradeep Ray, Menghan Hu, Guangtao Zhai
    International Forum of Digital Multimedia Communication (IFTC), 2023

Other Selected Demos

  1. A cross-platform mobile application myRadiology360 developed by Flutter and Firebase backend, which offers educational resources on imaging exams and disease states for patients and supports continued learning for healthcare professionals.

  2. A web application that showcases excellent blog samples, assists with composition outlines and logics by interactive question answering, and eases manipulation difficulty of digital devices by dragging-and-dropping to co-create digital blogs with the elderly.

  3. A full-stack Direct-to-Customer (D2C) Cloud-based WeChat Mini Program for marketing and customer care. Supported by backend data analytics for user profiles extraction and strategies evaluation.

  4. A web application designed to support seamless multi-user conversation and can serve as an interaction prototype inspired by giants like WeChat and QQ. Utilized as a module integrated into larger projects.

  5. A visualization and analytics tool that aids the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in conducting investigations to detect companies engaged in unlawful practices that harm consumers in any manner.

Industry Experience

Talks and Events

Teaching & Academic Service

About My Spare Time

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